Kantoorruimte te huur in Prins Hendrikkade 21-E, 1012TL

Faciliteiten op deze werkplek
  • 24-uurs toegang
  • Pauzeruimtes
  • Stadscentrum
  • Dagopvang
  • Lift
  • Vergaderruimtes
  • Zitgelegenheid/terras buiten
  • Supersnel internet
Kantoren vanaf
Praktische ruimte voor teams van alle formaten
vanaf 350 persoon per maand
 Prijs op aanvraag
Beschrijving kantoor
Clients will not only find the young, starting entrepreneur, but also the established and more experienced entrepreneur. This combination is ideal for making use of each other's knowledge, skills, and network. Clients own workplace, where can leave their things on desk, no one looks up to this. From workplace, look directly at Amsterdam Central Station or the Nieuwendijk of course if office is on the other side of the building. The centre is surrounded by an array of hotels, restaurants, and cafes.

Prins Hendrikkade 21-E, 1012TL

vanaf 350 persoon per maand
Prijs op aanvraag
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