Kantoorruimte te huur in 1051LH

Faciliteiten op deze werkplek
  • Pauzeruimtes
  • Stadscentrum
  • Gehandicaptenvoorzieningen
  • Lift
  • Vervoersaansluitingen
  • Vergaderruimtes
  • Broodjes- en koffiebar aanwezig
  • Fietsenstalling

By Road:

  • Follow Haarlemmerweg towards Ring Amsterdam

By Air:

  • 15 minutes drive from Schiphol Airport

By Public Transport:

  • Bus stops right in front
Kantoren vanaf
Praktische ruimte voor teams van alle formaten
vanaf 295 persoon per maand
vanaf 279 persoon per maand
Beschrijving kantoor
An inspiring environment where ideas develop, businesses build and relationships evolve. Spaces Westerpark is a creative place where you can work, check your email, and meet with clients. Situated in Amsterdamt, it’s a place where you work, meet and pause to enjoy a really good cup of coffee or a healthy lunch, and where super-fast, unlimited wifi ensures you can work quickly and efficiently.Take inspiration from the beautifully designed space, chat with our friendly staff. Kindle your entrepreneurial spirit with the enthusiasm of the other workers you will meet and network with at this creative, social hub.


vanaf 295 persoon per maand
vanaf 279 persoon per maand
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