Ruang Kantor untuk Disewakan di Jl. TB Simatupang, RT.2/RW.1, Kebagusan, Ps. Minggu, 12520

Fasilitas di ruang kerja ini
  • Area Bebas
  • Kota/Pusat Kota
  • Penghubung transportasi utama
  • Ruang rapat

Welcome clients into the professional foyer entrance and take the elevator to the open-plan 3rd floor workspace. Present big ideas in fully furnished meeting rooms and liaise with colleagues in relaxed coworking and breakout areas. Connect after work, with a variety of places to eat, and Manhattan is less than an hour’s drive away.

Step into the airy, elegant foyer and head upstairs to do your best thinking in our modern, thoughtfully designed private offices and coworking areas. Showcase your ideas and collaborate by booking a stylish meeting room. The on-site café is there to keep you energised too, whether you’re after a caffeine fix or a hearty meal.

Kantor mulai dari
Ruang kantor
Ruang kantor
Layanan seperti kebersihan, pemeliharaan fasilitas, keamanan dan telekomunikasi semuanya sudah termasuk dalam biaya bulanan yang sederhana.
Ruang praktis untuk tim segala ukuran
dari IDR2250000 orang/bulan
Meja kerja bersama
Meja kerja bersama
Biasanya di ruang coworking, meja kerja akan didedikasikan untuk Anda dan berada di satu lokasi yang dapat Anda akses kapan pun Anda mau. Biasanya termasuk layanan seperti kafe, IT, dan resepsionis yang disediakan dalam biaya bulanan.
dari IDR2090000 orang/bulan
Deskripsi kantor
Welcome clients into the professional foyer entrance and take the elevator to the open-plan 3rd floor workspace. Present big ideas in fully furnished meeting rooms and liaise with colleagues in relaxed coworking and breakout areas. Connect after work, with a variety of places to eat, and Manhattan is less than an hour’s drive away.Step into the airy, elegant foyer and head upstairs to do your best thinking in our modern, thoughtfully designed private offices and coworking areas. Showcase your ideas and collaborate by booking a stylish meeting room. The on-site café is there to keep you energised too, whether you’re after a caffeine fix or a hearty meal.

Jl. TB Simatupang, RT.2/RW.1, Kebagusan, Ps. Minggu, 12520

Ruang kantor
dari IDR2250000 orang/bulan
Meja kerja bersama
dari IDR2090000 orang/bulan
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