Büroflächen zur Miete in Chemin de Blandonnet 8, Vernier, 1214

Ausstattung für diese Addresse
  • Zugang rund um die Uhr
  • Tagesbetreuung
  • Konferenzräume
  • Kantine am Standort
  • Highspeed WIFI
  • Duschräume
Kantoren vanaf
Praktische Räume für Teams jeder Größe
Ab CHF450 Person/Monat
 Preis auf Anfrage
Beschreibung des Büros
Located near the airport, this flexible workspace impresses its innovative working atmosphere and immediate proximity to the airport. In addition, the office spaces are all accessible to you 24/7. There is two-way access to reach this place by car or public transport such as Uber, taxi, train and bus. Transports likewise go through the territory much of the time. Hotels, restaurants, and cafes surround the centre. There is parking available at the centre.

Chemin de Blandonnet 8, Vernier, 1214

Ab CHF450 Person/Monat
Preis auf Anfrage
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