Kantoorruimte te huur in Avenue des Arts, 6, 1210

Faciliteiten op deze werkplek
  • 24-uurs toegang
  • Pauzeruimtes
  • Stadscentrum
  • Dagopvang
  • Gehandicaptenvoorzieningen
  • Lift
  • Fitnessruimte
  • Vervoersaansluitingen
  • Vergaderruimtes
  • Lunchroom aanwezig
  • Zitgelegenheid/terras buiten
  • Parkeren
  • Supersnel internet
  • Douches
  • Temperatuurregeling
  • Fietsenstalling
  • Stomerij aanwezig
Kantoren vanaf
Praktische ruimte voor teams van alle formaten
vanaf 375 persoon per maand
 Prijs op aanvraag
Beschrijving kantoor
The neighbourhood Is lively and thriving with plenty of large corporations in the area with whom can network. Within walking distance will also find main European institutions and government agencies. In this neighbourhood will also find shopping facilities, trendy eateries offering great cuisine and bars. Brussels central station is only a short 7-minute walk away, making the centre easily accessible using public transport links. The location is also right beside the N20 ring road, giving access to the heart of the central business district. With secure car parking spaces offered on site can drive to work without any hassle.

Avenue des Arts, 6, 1210

vanaf 375 persoon per maand
Prijs op aanvraag
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