Kantoorruimte te huur in Avenue Louise 331-333, 1050

Faciliteiten op deze werkplek
  • Stadscentrum
  • Vergaderruimtes
  • Supersnel internet
  • Videoconferentiestudio
Kantoren vanaf
Praktische ruimte voor teams van alle formaten
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Beschrijving kantoor
Located on a main road of Brussels, this business centre is easily accessed by road with easy access to several motorways in the city. The centre is also serviced by a range of public transport links including buses, trams and rail – meeting rooms can therefore be easily reached by you and your clients. The surrounding area also offers a range of eateries, making it ideal for you to entertain your clients and guests. The area allows you and your business to be placed in a great location for business.

Avenue Louise 331-333, 1050

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