Kantoorruimte te huur in 15-23 avenue Fraiteur, 1050

Faciliteiten op deze werkplek
  • 24-uurs toegang
  • 24-uurs camerabewaking
  • Pauzeruimtes
  • Bedrijfsparklocatie
  • Stadscentrum
  • Dagopvang
  • Gehandicaptenvoorzieningen
  • Dubbele beglazing
  • Lift
  • Fitnessruimte
  • Vervoersaansluitingen
  • Vergaderruimtes
  • Lunchroom aanwezig
  • Parkeren
  • Supersnel internet
  • Douches
  • Temperatuurregeling
  • Videoconferentiestudio
  • Fietsenstalling
  • Stomerij aanwezig
Kantoren vanaf
Praktische ruimte voor teams van alle formaten
vanaf 295 persoon per maand
 Prijs op aanvraag
Beschrijving kantoor
The well-situated centre is located just off the N206 and can be easily reached by both car and public transport, so commutes are as simple as possible. There is also an on-site car park for you to park your car during working hours. Buses run through the area frequently and the nearest train station is a short 10-minute walk away. There is an on-site cafe in the building but you can also grab a bite to eat from one of the food outlets that can be found within walking distance of the business centre.

15-23 avenue Fraiteur, 1050

vanaf 295 persoon per maand
Prijs op aanvraag
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